Tyranitar Shows Off Its Ancient Power in Pokémon UNITE

Go on a rampage with the Armor Pokémon Tyranitar, now available to join your team in Pokémon UNITE. This Melee All-Rounder may be tyrannical, but it will be an asset to any team. You can obtain Tyranitar for 14,000 Aeos coins or 575 Aeos gems at the Unite Battle Committee shop.
Read on to learn more about everything this Pokémon has to offer and pick up a few tips before rampaging on Aeos Island.
Tyranitar Basics
Tyranitar begins each match as Larvitar, but it will evolve into Pupitar at Lv. 5 and Tyranitar at Lv. 9. Larvitar starts with the Guts Ability. With Guts, when Larvitar receives a certain amount of damage, its Attack increases for a short time. This Ability goes on cooldown after it’s triggered.
When Larvitar evolves into Pupitar, its Ability becomes Shed Skin. With Shed Skin, when Pupitar receives a certain amount of damage, all of its status conditions are nullified and it is granted a shield. This Ability goes on cooldown after it’s triggered.
Once Pupitar evolves into Tyranitar, its Ability becomes Sand Stream, which summons a sandstorm around Tyranitar for a short time after it uses a move. This increases Tyranitar’s Defense and Sp. Def and deals damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.
Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar may have different Abilities, but their basic attacks are the same. Each Pokémon’s basic attack becomes a boosted attack every three attacks, dealing increased damage when it hits an opposing Pokémon.
Lv. 1 & 3 Moves
Larvitar deals damage to opposing Pokémon in front of it. If an opposing Pokémon’s HP is below a set percentage—or falls below that percentage as a result of Bite—that Pokémon becomes unable to move for a short time.
Rock Polish
Larvitar charges ahead in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hits. If Rock Polish hits any opposing Pokémon, Larvitar’s Attack is increased for a short time.
Lv. 5 Moves (Upgrades from Bite)
Dark Pulse
Tyranitar exhales a mist of darkness in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hits. If an opposing Pokémon’s remaining HP is below a set percentage—or falls below that percentage as a result of Dark Pulse—that Pokémon becomes unable to move for a short time. If Dark Pulse hits an opposing Pokémon again within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage. Finally, if Dark Pulse is used while Tyranitar’s piercing strength has been increased by Ancient Power, Tyranitar can ignore opposing Pokémon’s Defense and shield effects for a longer duration. Dark Pulse can be upgraded to reduce its cooldown.
Stone Edge
Tyranitar deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, dealing more damage the closer the opposing Pokémon are to Tyranitar. Stone Edge can be used up to three times within a set amount of time, with the area of effect widening each time it’s used. Stone Edge can be upgraded to increase the damage it deals.
Lv. 9 Moves (Upgrades from Rock Polish)
Ancient Power
Tyranitar charges power before releasing a shock wave. The shock wave deals damage to nearby opposing Pokémon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. While Tyranitar is charging power, its movement speed increases, it gains a shield, and it becomes resistant to hindrances. If any opposing Pokémon are hit by the shock wave, Tyranitar’s piercing strength increases, allowing it to ignore opposing Pokémon’s Defense and shield effects for a set time. If Ancient Power hits an opposing Pokémon, Tyranitar can release a second shock wave in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this second shock wave hits, Tyranitar is granted another shield. The strength of this shield is proportional to the number of opposing Pokémon hit by the second shock wave, reaching maximum shield strength if three Pokémon are hit. Ancient Power can be upgraded to strengthen the effect of the shields it grants.
Sand Tomb
Tyranitar moves in the designated direction in a single bound, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hits while leaping and leaving them unable to act for a short time. When Tyranitar lands, the shock from landing creates a cloud of dust at the point of impact that deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokémon within the area of effect. If Sand Tomb is used again while Tyranitar is in the cloud of dust, opposing Pokémon in front of Tyranitar will be pulled closer to it. Furthermore, while Tyranitar is in the cloud of dust, it takes reduced damage and can ignore the Defense and shield effects of opposing Pokémon. Sand Tomb can be upgraded to increase the length of time the cloud of dust remains at the point of impact.
Tyranitar’s Unite Move, Tyrannical Rampage
Tyranitar explodes with anger and goes on a rampage, increasing its movement speed for a short time. If Tyranitar is affected by a hindrance, it will return to normal faster than usual. While Tyranitar is rampaging, its basic attack pattern changes and the attacks deal increased damage. If a Pokémon on the opposing team is hit by these basic attacks when its HP is below a set percentage, it is immediately knocked out.
Metagame Watch
Tyranitar is positioned to be one of the strongest Melee All-Rounders in Pokémon UNITE, with a moveset built to crush the competition. Ancient Power and Sand Tomb both make Tyranitar able to ignore the Defense and shield effects of all Pokémon, making this Pokémon especially powerful against bulky Defenders and Supporters. Combine these traits with its Unite Move, Tyrannical Rampage, and knocking out opposing Pokémon will be a cinch for Tyranitar if it can remain in the center of team fights.
Strong Against: Blissey
Blissey is a Melee Supporter often at the center of Pokémon UNITE team compositions, offering powerful shield effects to its allies through Safeguard and its Unite Move, Bliss Assistance. Blissey is a difficult egg to crack, but thanks to Ancient Power and Sand Tomb allowing Tyranitar to ignore the Defense and shield effects of all Pokémon, Tyranitar has no problem breaking its defenses.
Weak Against: Dragonite
Tyranitar is an overwhelming force in melee range, but Pokémon with powerful ranged capabilities and decent mobility are a strong counter to this towering tyrant. Dragonite, for example, is a Ranged All-Rounder that can use its Dragon Dance to skirt around Tyranitar and keep its distance. Combine that with Dragonite’s Hyper Beam, a ranged move that deals significant damage, and Dragonite presents a tough challenge for the Armor Pokémon.