Pokémon UNITE Game Update 12/20

Update Date/Time
2021-12-20 at 07:00
Post-Update Version
Update Details
- Bug Fixes
- Spec Changes
- Text Fixes
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.
Venusaur: Petal Dance
- Effects on the user weakened.
Venusaur: Solar Beam
- Cooldown reduced.
Venusaur: Sludge Bomb
- Range increased.
Venusaur: Unite Move: Verdant Anger
- The following have been adjusted for this move: Area of Effect
Wigglytuff: Unite Move: Starlight Recital
- Shield effect weakened.
- Duration of effects on the user decreased.
Zeraora: Spark
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Zeraora: Wild Charge
- Bug Fixes
Gardevoir: Moonblast
- Cooldown lengthened.
- Move Downgrade
Gardevoir: Psyshock
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Gardevoir: Future Sight
- Bug Fixes
Eldegoss: Leaf Tornado
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Eldegoss: Cotton Spore
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Cooldown reduced.
- Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
- Effects on the user strengthened.
Crustle: boosted attack
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Bug Fixes
Tsareena: Triple Axel
- Effects on the user weakened.
Slowbro: Oblivious
- Stat Increases
- Changed to Has the Pokémon store up lost HP for a short time. When hitting an opposing Pokémon with a move, the Pokémon restores some of its HP using the stored-up HP, and it also decreases the opposing Pokémon’s Sp. Def for a short time.
Slowbro: Scald
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Effects on the user strengthened.
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Slowbro: Amnesia+
- Changed to Upgrade: Increases Sp. Def..
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
- Cooldown reduced.
Decidueye: Leaf Storm
- Cooldown reduced.
- Range increased.
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Decidueye: Leafage
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Cinderace: Blaze Kick+
- Effects on the user strengthened.
Cinderace: Feint
- Cooldown reduced.
Pikachu: Thunder Shock
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Volt Tackle
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Unite Move: Thunderstorm
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
Sylveon: Hyper Voice
- Bug Fixes
Remoat Stadium: Corphish
- Bug Fixes