Pokémon UNITE Game Update 10/20

Update Date/Time
2021-10-20 at 07:00
Post-Update Version
Update Details
Halloween in Mer Stadium!
Mer Stadium takes on a fun new look for a limited time! During this time, pumpkins can be used in place of battle items in Mer Stadium. Toss these pumpkins at opposing Pokémon to stick them on those Pokémon’s heads!
Trick or UNITE!
- Bug Fixes
- Text Fixes
- Event Updates
- Shop Updates
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.
Pikachu: Thunder
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Volt Tackle
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Slowbro: Amnesia
- Cooldown reduced.
- HP restoration increased.
- Stat Increase
Blastoise: Hydro Pump
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Blastoise: Water Spout
- Cooldown reduced.
Blastoise: Unite Move: Hydro Typhoon
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Venusaur: Giga Drain
- Effects on the user weakened.
- HP restoration decreased.
Venusaur: Solar Beam
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- The following stats have been decreased: Attack
Lucario: Steadfast
- Stat Decreases
Lucario: Unite Move: Aura Cannon
- Bug Fixes
Garchomp: Basic Attack
- Basic attack speed increased.
Garchomp: Dragon Rush
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Zeraora: Wild Charge+
- Bug Fixes
Cramorant: Dive
- Bug Fixes
Talonflame: Gale Wings
- Bug Fixes
Absol: Sucker Punch
- Bug Fixes
Remoat Stadium: Zapdos
- Aeos energy provided when defeated decreased.
Remoat Stadium: Drednaw
- Effect when defeated weakened.
- Exp. Points provided when defeated decreased.
Remoat Stadium: Rotom
- The following stats have been increased: Attack, HP
- Movement speed changed.
- Effect that makes goal zones defenseless strengthened.