Pokémon UNITE Game Update 9/28

Update Date/Time
2022-9-28 at 07:00
Post-Update Version
Update Details
- A Pokémon boost emblem tutorial will occur once only for Trainers level 6 or higher who do not have any Pokémon boost emblems in their Emblem Dex. Pokémon boost emblems will be given out to accompany this tutorial. For Trainers whose accounts were made on or before 2022-07-21, these boost emblems have already been distributed. Please note that if your account was made on or before this date, completing the tutorial will not affect your boost emblems.
- Shop Updates
- Bug Fixes
- Text Fixes
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.
Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.
Cramorant: Air Slash+
- HP restoration decreased.
Mr. Mime: Psychic
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Mr. Mime: Power Swap
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. This move’s movement speed decrease has been weakened.
Mr. Mime: Power Swap+
- Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger.
Glaceon: Icy Wind
- Cooldown lengthened.
Charizard: Fire Punch
- Cooldown reduced.
Charizard: Fire Punch+
- Move Upgrade
Charizard: Unite Move: Seismic Slam
- Move Downgrade
Absol: Pursuit
- Duration of effects on the user decreased.
Aegislash: Shadow Sneak
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Aegislash: Iron Head
- Move Upgrade
- The following stats have been increased: Attack
Buzzwole: Smack Down
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Buzzwole: Leech Life
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Buzzwole: Mega Punch Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Buzzwole: Fell Stinger
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Level at which Pokémon evolves changed to 4.
Azumarill: Whirlpool
- Level at which move is learned changed to 4.
Azumarill: Aqua Tail
- Level at which move is learned changed to 4.
- Cooldown reduced.
Azumarill: Play Rough
- Level at which move is learned changed to 6.
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Azumarill: Water Pulse
- Level at which move is learned changed to 6.
Azumarill: Whirlpool+
- Level at which move is learned changed to 10.
Azumarill: Aqua Tail+
- Level at which move is learned changed to 10.
- Move Upgrade
Azumarill: Play Rough+
- Level at which move is learned changed to 12.
Azumarill: Water Pulse+
- Level at which move is learned changed to 12.
Azumarill: Unite Move: Belly Bash Level at which move is learned changed to 8.
Blastoise: Water Gun
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Blastoise: Skull Bash
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Blastoise: Surf
- Cooldown reduced.
Blastoise: Unite Move: Hydro Typhoon
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
Wigglytuff Pound
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Wigglytuff Dazzling Gleam
- Cooldown reduced.
Wigglytuff Unite Move: Starlight Recital
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
Slowbro: Water Gun
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Slowbro: Surf
- Cooldown reduced.
Slowbro: Telekinesis
- Cooldown reduced.
Slowbro: Unite Move: Slowbeam
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
Mew: boosted attack
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Mew: Agility
- Fixed bug(s) that affected the following: Maximum Range
Gengar: Hex
- Range decreased.
Sylveon: Basic Attack
- Bug Fixes
Tyranitar: Basic Attack
- Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger.