
Page 5. Zirco’s Holowear. Erbie - Researcher, says: What did you want to talk about? Zirco says: These Unite Battles... They’re still missing something... Pizzazz! Think about the Pokémon Contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh! Or the Pokémon Musicals and Pokéstar Studios in Unova! They all got pizzazz! Aeos Island could use some of that, don’tcha think?!

Page 6. Zirco says: Pokémon wanna be fashionable, too, y’know. Isn’t that right, Sableye? Sableye makes noise: Shee hee hee hee... Erbie - Researcher, says: Absolutely not! A Unite Battle is a competition, pure and simple. We can’t let clothes affect Pokémon’s performance. In order to keep battles fair... Zirco says: If you’d just lemme finish... Try touching Sableye.

Page 7. Erbie - Researcher, says: Wha...? These aren’t clothes. Is this...a hologram? What do you think of my Holowear? All it changes is the Pokémon’s appearance. With this, Trainers can enjoy battles in a whole new way! The crowd’ll go wild for sure. Erbie - Researcher: Hmm... This really isn’t my call to make. Let me discuss this with the professor first. Client says: Hellooo!

Page 8. Zirco says: Welcome! New stock just arrived. Client says: Oh, they’re so cute! Erbie - Researcher says: Relax, I’m just taking preorders. Everyone’s having fun. We all want Unite Battles to be fun, don’t we? Erbie - Researcher says: Jeez. Sure, why not...